Of a masters degre Who they were, their experience and what they might be interest in. Since the acquisition of LinkIn by Microsoft in mid- , we have certainly. All notic a mark improvement in the user interface and in mobile use (although there is. Still much to be done). In the last year it has become clear that it can still be us as before to find work, but that the concept of “finding work” has chang. People meet, business relationships are establish and then the work often takes the form of a sale and a relationship between supplier and customer.
With a privileg role for
Those who act as consultants. Personally I use seo expate bd videos on LinkIn with around , video views + , relat to static posts and articles. I find it an excellent tool for communicating your contents. Perhaps this is precisely the greatest limitation and advantage: if you don’t have valuable content, on LinkIn you immiately disqualify yourself, and on the other hand, creating valuable content requires a lot of time and a rigorous itorial plan. The other great limitation is that the division and time of private life definitively ends: anyone writes to you, at any time often.
With the expectation
Of immiate answers and you are continually WS Database BR expos to public evaluation. Compar to many social networks, the seriousness of this tool in the Social Mia panorama is perceivable. I think for more years this will be a great tool. We will have to wait to understand how it will evolve towards a Social CRM tool and whether it will abandon the HR vocation: this will be the real challenge and turning point in understanding the future of this platform. Why should you come to SMMdayIT in Milan? I will illustrate the most significant reasons in points: . it is the first and longest-running Social Mia event in Italy.