Is there any indication in the exam that would lead me into knowing which “method” is being utilised so that I can apply the right formula?” So I thought it would be a good idea to develop this guidance for our division. We have started out with a working document that lists many but not all of the policies we already follow.
I answered that he is correct
there are indeed 2 approaches:
– First approach: You calculate the network diagram starting on day 0
– Second approach: You calculate the network diagram starting on day 1
I personally use the second india phone number approach, because when my sponsor tells me, that my project starts on the first day of September, then that is September 1 and not September 0. This is also the way that all modern scheduling tools seem to work. You schedule your project based on a calendar start date and not “on day 0”.
That is why there is a slight
Difference between the calculations (you have to add/subtract 1 from the results in the 2nd approach). However, don’t worry about this for the exam too much. The way that the question is formulated you Australia Phone Number should be able to identify how to go about this. Also: I understand that in most cases when you have to calculate this, it is the end result that is important and not how you got there.