Italy WhatsApp Number List. Filtering out low-volume keywords Or, you can use the Keyword Difficulty (KD) filter to reveal low-hanging fruit by setting a maximum KD of 30. Filtering for low Keyword Difficulty (KD) keywords Once all your filters are applied, export the data to CSV. 3. Import the data into the template If you haven’t

 Make a copy of our content gap

analysis template. Then, import the data you downloaded from Ahrefs. To do this, navigate to the “Data” tab and click on cell A1. Then go to File > Import > Upload > Choose your Ahrefs data > Select “Append to current sheet.” How to import data into the Italy WhatsApp Number Data template You can leave all other options untouched and proceed with importing the data. This may take a few moments depending on how large your keyword list is. Once your data’s imported, move to the “Results” tab. It should look something like this: The

Results of the content audit process

4. Analyze each opportunity In general, there are two common types of content gaps you’ll need to fill: domain-level and page-level. Domain-level gaps occur when competitors have content about topics you don’t. Page-level gaps occur when you and a competitor both have a page about the same topic, but they are ranking for more keywords than you are. In most cases, this happens because they have more in-depth content than you do. Here’s our process that will help you identify both types of gaps, starting with

Domain-level gaps and working your way

down to specific page-level gaps. How to analyze content gap opportunities For example, our gap analysis report shows that Moz has a page listing the top 500 most popular websites. Example content gap It ranks for 120 keywords that our site doesn’t and gets 2,187 estimated monthly search visits from them. This seems like a great opportuniy so far! However, if we press the + icon on the left of this row, we can see these 120 keywords listed out. At a quick glance, it looks like they aren’t very relevant to our

Business. Competitor keyword rankings

In this case, we move to the next page in the pivot table and repeat the process. Let’s assume that you see keywords relevant to your business for this one. x an existing page about the topic using the “site:” operator in Google. Checking for existing page with a Google site: search If yes → you need to consider adding new sections to target common themes from the missing keywords. If not → you need to create a new page. For example, we already have a page on the topic of landing pages but are missing some keywords. If we dig a little deeper, we see that many

Relate to the definition of a landing page

Whatsapp Data

Keywords relating to a definition, which   should be added to the page to fill the content gap This tells us that we probably don’t define the term on our page, so we Eyeballing the report tells us that most could probably close this gap just by adding that.

That may help us to rank for these terms and get more traffic.

Implement all action items and tasks As you do the content gap analysis, you will likely need to create a list of action items for new pages to create or existing pages to optimize. To get the most out of this process, it helps to create specific tasks in your project management tool (like Clickup or Asana) along with a content brief that includes the insights you’ve gathered as you do the page-by-page analysis. The brief can be simple and can look something like