It is likely that you will have to deal with multiple aspects at the same time at the beginning of your career. So. What does a ux designer do? From research into the type of users who will use your product.
To interface design to creating a real interactive mockup. The activities just described are typical of a ux generalist . I.e. A ux designer who does not yet have a specialization in one of the branches of ux.
Such as interaction ixd. Or information architecture ai.
Ux generalists can have heterogeneous backgrounds. Not only in terms of studies. But also and above all in terms of professional experience.
Often the ux generalist is a graphic designer who began to specialize in user interface ui and progressively extended his skills by working on prototypes of websites and apps.
Sometimes the ux generalist is instead a developer who knows progr Hong Kong Phone Number List amming languages or markup languages. As in the case of html for the web very well and has developed skills in the field of graphics over time.
So what are the main activities of a ux designer. Rega How do you send a message on linkedin rdless of the starting background? User experience design what is it the activities of a ux designer.
I.e. What does a ux designer do? To become a ux designer you must be able to carry out activities that require specific skills that can be learned with time.
Experience or by following specific study paths . Certainly the ability to carry out analysis and research is the starting point for becoming a ux designer.
No ux project is born without knowing the target audience . I. E. The audience for which our work is intended. The ux designer can make use of the works produced by research institutes.
Market surveys or even field interviews to collect data useful for unders
tanding the user. We often talk about empathy design in the world of ux. Preci Australia Phone Number List sely to underline how crucial it is to know how to walk in our user.
s shoes. A typical mistake made by novice ux designers is to think
of themselves as their own end user… Nothing could be further from the truth.
Another important activity is that of design . Or rather the planning of the elements that the user will need to carry out a specific operation.
Having basic knowledge in graphics is often ess How do you send a message on linkedin ential to carry out a ux project. Clearly. The more skills you have in this area. The more you will be able to specialize and find your own elective area.
For example. If you know how to use adobe after effects. It is quite simple to create animations to create transitions between one page of a site and another.